The purpose of a Sober Housing is to provide a safe and healthy living environment to initiate and sustain recovery—defined as abstinence from alcohol and other non-prescribed drug use and improvement in one’s physical, mental, spiritual, and social wellbeing. Individuals build resources while living in a recovery residence that will continue to support their recovery as they transition to living independently and productively in the community.
The four types of recovery residences, as classified by the NARR are as follows:
- Peer-Run – Peer-run recovery residences (level one) are democratically run by the residents in the home. The residents of these homes have made a commitment to maintain abstinence from addictive substances and their behaviors are self-monitored. Residents keep each other accountable with drug screenings and house meetings. Therapeutic sessions are also recommended but not required. Peer-run recovery residences are usually single-family homes and the staff is comprised of volunteers.
- Monitored – Monitored recovery residences (level two) are run by a house manager or senior resident and require all residents to adhere to established policies and procedures. These types of residences provide structure and accountability with drug screenings, house rules, house meetings, peer group sessions, and involvement in recovery treatment services. Monitored recovery residences are typically single family homes but may also be apartment complexes or similar community environments.
- Supervised – Supervised recovery residences (level three) are managed with an organizational hierarchy and follow a strict set of policies and procedures. They are run by a facility manager and certified staff or case managers work with residents one-on-one. Supervised recovery residences are licensed facilities, but the type of license may vary depending on the state. These residences can be residential homes, apartment complexes, or other similar types of living environments. Services at a level three recovery residence emphasize the development of life skills and clinical services from the outside community. House service hours are also provided.
- Service Provider – Service provider recovery residences (level four) incorporate clinical and administrative supervision, a managed organizational hierarchy, and strict policies and procedures within the sober community. Residential services are focused on life skill development and clinical services and programs are provided in-house. Service provider recovery residences are licensed, although the type of license may vary from state to state, and the staff has the appropriate credentials to provide residents with professional recovery services. Level four residences are often part of a continuum of care program that starts with detox and residential inpatient treatment and carries the client through into a structured sober living program.
A transitional housing program may help to break the addiction cycle by providing people with:
- A low-cost, or no-cost, place to live
- Access to community programs regarding education, employment and more
- Social skills training
- Sober surroundings
- Support group meetings
Why Choose to Live in a Sober Living Home?
There are many benefits to living in a sober living home. If you have recently completed an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab program, here are a few reasons to consider continuing your recovery journey at one of our sober living facilities.
- A sober living home provides stability and keeps you from returning to a harmful living environment after rehab.
- You have increased independence, with the freedom to attend work, school, and pursue hobbies and other interests as you choose.
- You receive extended recovery support with peer accountability and readily available recovery resources.
- The cost to live at a Cambridge Recovery sober living home is affordable.
- You have the ability to attend local recovery groups in your area both during and after the completion of your sober living program.
- Your family can rest easy knowing you are in a safe, sober, and structured environment.
If you’re ready to apply to one of our sober living locations, submit your application today or contact our admissions team at (908) 946-0005 for more information about men’s sober living with Cambridge Recovery or visit our website at www.cambridgerecoveryestates.com